Sunday, August 1, 2010

Work Weekend

So it's Sunday. (And it's not just any Sunday either; it's the Sunday of the August long weekend.)

I've decided to go to work today.

Now, I should point out that I don't have to go into work today -- I am after all an intern -- but I have this huge project that I am doing for some executives of the corporation and I really want to get ahead of it. (Right now I have just completed the task of compiling most of my required data. I now need to sort, organize and compile a list of my findings. After that, I will feel like I am on top of this project and ready to go into the next phase...)

It's weird. A few years ago, I wouldn't have even considered going into work on a long weekend to do a project unless there was an incentive (like over-time) involved. But alas I have become accustomed to the ways of a CreCommer. -- Don't get me wrong, I don't want to make myself sound better than I actually am, because I still fly by the seat of my pants for many of my projects and endeavours, but this particular project needs special attention.

My, how school has changed me!

One of the values that I have learned in CreComm (and not in any particular class, but throughout the entire program) is that the greatest measure of success comes from those who work hard and go beyond what is expected of them to get the task at hand done. (It only took a year of stress-filled all-nighters to evoke this revelation!)

I want to produce good work. I want to show my bosses, and myself, that I am capable of the projects that they give me. Perhaps, most importantly, I want to establish a reputation of being someone who works hard. (A good reputation is for more valuable than over-time hours.)

Oh well, that being said, I have to go to work. I have these three huge binders on my desk that are just calling my name! (Seriously, I have been thinking about them non-stop since I left the office on Friday. It's hilarious and strange!)

Cheers friends, happy long weekend!

On a side note: Sometimes I am so damn cheesy on this blog. (There is absolutely no uniform layout for what I write about!) Ugh.

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