Saturday, December 26, 2009


Well, I wrote my first "super controversial" article. The reader feedback has been astounding; mostly negative, but insightful none the less.

There are issues that people take seriously -- Like car thieves -- and feel compelled to argue about; but I am quite surprised at the amount of people that assumed because I wrote the article, it reflects my personal opinion. My inbox was buzzing yesterday, with angry emails from people who took the time to tell me that I was wrong.

It was quite neat actually.

the article that I wrote, was a woman named Liz Wolfe's opinion on why the number of auto thefts could be rising; she thinks that it might have something to do with many of the auto offenders who have FASD acting out because of their grief over the violent murder of their friend.

Wolfe works closely with level four auto offenders in a rehabilitation program; she has an insight that many of us are not privy to. though I am not certain that I agree, or disagree with her logic, I can see her point. (I was lucky to be assigned this story though, because my mom specializes is neurological brain disorders, and knows a great deal about FASD; she has taught me a lot about it over the years...)

But, I can also see why many people are mad. -- They're fed up, and nothing seems to be changing; cars are still being stolen, and the justice system appears to have a revolving door.

Personally, I think that the "lock them up and throw away the key" mentality -- which was the main consensus among people who commented -- is something that is ineffective in stopping car thieves. I believe that people who commit crimes should pay retribution for their actions, but I also think that justice can be served in other ways. -- Jail is a form of punishment, it does little in the way of rehabilitation. For many people, rehabilitation is needed in order for the crime to stop.

Ahhh this is a big debate that I am not sure that I am ready for (on my blog) -- Although, I have a sister who is a lawyer, and a mom with a PhD in brain disorders, so I feel that I am lucky to have a broad insight into why this is a far greater issue than it appears.

Perhaps I will try to reformulate this post, when I am more awake, to get my opinion across better...

Time to get ready for the news day!

1 comment:

  1. FASD is controversial! It is a disability, an invisible disability, and it can be hard for others to understand, because others cannot see physical rammifications of it. There are many people with FASD living successfully.... but the issue in the article was car thefts... and Liz Wolfe and her team are looking more deeply into the issue and are trying something different.... since the typical ususal things have not worked with this small group of people. That courageous. If someone with a spinal cord injury did not get, or have access to wheelchairs or other things they need, there would be an uproar. But when people with FASD don't get what they need to cope with their disability, they get repeatedly blamed and judged. I think many of the issues people with FASD are societal issues, not just their issues.
